Utilisation des données de TikTok

TikTok Data Usage: What You Need to Know

Picture of Youssef
A true Swiss army knife, Youssef has a fairly wide range of skills. Officially Growth Manager, he is also involved in the production of content for the site and the presence of planhub on social networks. Here, Youssef dissects all the mobile and internet news for you.

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TikTok has become an essential element for many smartphone users with its viral and addictive content. However, it is possible that the app quickly consumes your cell phone plan or internet plan if you are not careful.

In this article, we will provide you with explanations on how TikTok uses your data and on how to effectively manage your cellular plan to avoid inconvenience.

How Much Data Does TikTok Use?

For an average use of TikTok, which includes viewing videos for about 1 hour per day, data consumption is generally between 300 MB and 600 MB per month. However, this can vary depending on the quality of the videos viewed.

TikTok’s data consumption depends on several factors, including the time spent on the app and the quality of the videos viewed. Here is an overview of typical data consumption and a comparison for different durations of use and video resolutions.

Data consumption comparison:

Duration of Use

Low-Resolution Video

Medium-Resolution Video

High-Resolution Video

1 hour

150 MB

300 MB

600 MB

2 hours

300 MB

600 MB

1.2 GB

These figures are estimates and may vary depending on the quality of the network and individual settings in the TikTok app.

TikTok Data Usage for Various Activities

TikTok’s data usage varies depending on the different activities you perform on the app. Here is a breakdown of data consumption for different features, as well as the factors that influence this consumption:

Some TikTok features that use a lot of data :

  • Watching videos: Data consumption depends on the quality and duration of the video. High-definition videos consume more data than low-definition ones.
  • Downloading content: Downloading videos or other content on TikTok also consumes data, depending on the file size.
  • Interacting with app features: Interactions such as comments, likes, and sharing videos can also result in data consumption, although this is generally minimal compared to watching videos.

Factors influencing data consumption:

  • Video quality: High-definition videos consume more data than low-definition ones.
  • Video duration: The longer the video, the more data it consumes.
  • Interaction with interactive elements: Some interactive features, such as augmented reality filters, can also increase data consumption.

To successfully limit your data use while using TikTok, you must consider these aspects.

How to Check and Control TikTok Mobile Data Usage

Follow these simple steps to check and control your mobile data usage on TikTok:

Limit video quality:

  • In TikTok settings, look for video or quality settings.
  • Choose a lower video quality to reduce data consumption.

Disable autoplay:

  • In the app settings, look for autoplay settings.
  • Disable autoplay to avoid unnecessary data consumption.

Monitor your usage regularly:

  • Regularly check your data usage in TikTok settings.
  • If you notice excessive usage, adjust your settings or limit your app usage time.
TikTok Data Usage

Checking TikTok Data Usage on My Phone

Here is a clear method to check how you’re using TikTok data on iOS and Android devices:

On iOS (iPhone, iPad):

  • Open the “Settings” app on your iOS device.
  • Scroll down and tap on “Cellular.”
  • Scroll down to the “Cellular Data Usage” section and wait for the list to load.
  • Look for the TikTok app in the list, and you’ll see how much data it has used under “Cellular Data.”

On Android:

  • Open the “Settings” app on your Android device.
  • Look for and tap on “Network & Internet” or “Connections.”
  • Tap on “Data Usage” or “Data Usage.”
  • Look for the TikTok app in the list of apps, and you’ll see how much data it has used.

Make sure to regularly check your TikTok data usage to avoid exceeding your plan.

Managing TikTok Data Usage

To effectively manage your data usage on TikTok, here are some strategies you can implement:

Adjust video quality settings:

  • In TikTok settings, look for video quality options.
  • Reduce video quality to limit data consumption, especially when you don’t need high-definition videos.
  • Limit background data usage:
  • On iOS, go to “Settings” > “General” > “Background App Refresh” and disable TikTok.
  • On Android, go to “Settings” > “Apps” > “TikTok” > “Mobile Data” and disable “Allow background data usage.”
  • Use Wi-Fi whenever possible: Connect to a Wi-Fi network when watching videos on TikTok to avoid using your mobile data.
  • Make sure to connect to secure Wi-Fi networks to protect your personal data.

By following these strategies, you can effectively reduce your data consumption while still enjoying TikTok.

Optimizing Data Usage for TikTok

Here are some simple tips for using TikTok economically and reducing your data consumption.

  • First, download videos via Wi-Fi: consider downloading videos you want to watch later. This will prevent you from using your mobile data when you’re on the go.
  • Limit video quality: in the TikTok settings, choose a low video quality to reduce the amount of data you use when watching videos.
  • Enable data saver mode: if your app offers it, enable data saver mode to block your use of TikTok.
  • Disable autoplay: to prevent videos from playing and wasting your data, disable autoplay in the app settings.
  • Check your data consumption: Remember to regularly check your data consumption in your app settings or in your phone settings to avoid surprises at the end of the month.

How Much Data Do You Need for TikTok?

For TikTok enthusiasts, it is recommended to choose cell phone plans with generous data allocations. Plans offering at least 5GB of data per month are recommended for seamless TikTok usage. Some providers also offer unlimited cell phone plans which can be a great option for highly active TikTok users.


Data Consumption

Recommended Data Plan


A few videos per day

Plan with 2-4GB of data per month


Intensive usage with many videos

Plan with at least 5GB of data per month, ideally unlimited

These recommendations are based on typical TikTok usage and may vary depending on individual app usage habits. It is advisable to regularly monitor data consumption and adjust the plan accordingly.

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