
Prices for Blackberry Classic with Eastlink

Plan and device prices for the Blackberry Classic at Eastlink vary across provinces.

The Blackberry Classic is currently available in one version: Blackberry Classic 16gb

  • The Blackberry Classic costs $0.00 + $41.00 per month

Best prices for the Blackberry Classic with Eastlink

Pay upfront
Lowest Upfront option available (may mean you’ll have to pay a larger monthly price)
Pay monthly
Lowest monthly option available (may mean you’ll have to pay a larger upfront price)
On 2 years
Lowest ownership cost with a plan
New Brunswick $0.00
Pay upfront
Pay monthly
On 2 years
Newfoundland & Labrador $0.00
Pay upfront
Pay monthly
On 2 years
Nova Scotia $0.00
Pay upfront
Pay monthly
On 2 years
Prince Edward $0.00
Pay upfront
Pay monthly
On 2 years