

Newfoundland & Labrador

PlanHub to compare telecom and providers services in Newfoundland & Labrador

Newfoundland offers an unmatched view of the Atlantic Ocean, with numerous hiking and biking trails begging to be explored. If you love the ocean (and seafood), you would definitely enjoy exploring it.

With its unique location and culture, Newfoundland & Labrador residents have access to an abundance of telecom providers and services. Thankfully, PlanHub can help residents organize their thoughts and find the perfect plan. Use our website to compare telecommunication services quickly and effectively. In a few seconds, users can find the best, most reasonably priced telecom providers in Newfoundland & Labrador, and choose one that perfectly matches their needs.

Newfoundland & Labrador - Canada

Newfoundland & Labrador

Telecom Companies in Newfoundland & Labrador

There are a lots of services from a number of telecom companies. To learn more specifics about available telecom companies in Newfoundland & Labrador, check out our list below.

Telecommunication services in Newfoundland & Labrador

With all these companies offering their service, it makes sense that Newfoundland residents can access all kinds of useful services. Keep reading to see all the different telecommunication near you.

Mobile Plans in Newfoundland & Labrador

Fortunately, residents can access a diverse array of mobile plans in Newfoundland & Labrador. Whether you want something from an industry giant or a local/independent provider, there is an ideal plan waiting for you. Use PlanHub to find the best mobile plan for you.

Internet plans in Newfoundland & Labrador

As one of the most sought after services, Canadians are increasingly interested in finding the fastest, most affordable internet plans available. To see which internet plans are avialble , make sure to browse through our list below.

Best home internet plans in Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada for 2025

This is a selection of the cheap home internet plans according to popularity. Home internet plan prices and availability can vary greatly depending on your location so make sure you are located in St. John's, in Newfoundland & Labrador. The plans below are the cheapest among the most popular internet plans we’ve found four your location.

This page can only present a limited selection of home internet plans. Find all available plans options according to your needs by performing a personalized search.

Cheapest home internet plans in Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada for 2025

This is a selection of the cheap home internet plans according to the most popular searches on PlanHub. Home internet plan prices and availability can vary greatly depending on your location so make sure you are located in St. John's, in Newfoundland & Labrador. The plans below are the cheapest among the most popular internet plans we’ve found four your location.

Coverage Map in Newfoundland & Labrador

Have you ever wanted to view a coverage map in Newfoundland & Labrador? We've got you covered. Our map details the province's coverage of Canada's largest mobile networks.

Newfoundland & Labrador

Want to see another Province ?

We don't just have information on Newfoundland & Labrador, but all the provinces and territories! Make sure to click through our different pages to learn all about telecom services across Canada.

Telecommunications FAQ in Newfoundland & Labrador

Still have some questions about telecom services in Newfoundland? Make sure to read through ourtelecommunications FAQ.

One of the main factor when choosing a mobile plan in New Foundland & Labrador is what you usage need from it.To avoid wrong estimates of your usage, you could check your monthly phone bill to know exactly how much mobile data and other services you are using up.

Prices for phone plans are depending on providers and may change over the time. Click here to find the best mobile plans in New Foundland & Labrador

To get the best Internet plan in NewFoundland & Labrador, use our alert system.

With this tool, you'll be notified by email when an internet plan that matches your needs gets availible in NewFoundland & Labrador You will receive the lowest price for an internet plan in your area.

The best offers are usually hidden within carriers websites and often the result of different deals. This makes it harder for the average person to keep track and find the best promotions they can get. Leveraging its knowledge of past price trends, PlanHub has created a state-of-the-art algorithm that tracks prices and finds the best internet plans.

When changing service providers and remaining in the same geographic area in NewFoundland & Labrador, you can keep your actual phone number. This process is also reffered to as phone number porting.

You may request service from a different phone provider at any time. When switching companies:

  • Review your on going contract. Your contract may contain early termination fees and/or outstanding balances that you must pay.
  • Do not terminate your service with your existing provider before initiating new service with another carrier.
  • Contact the new provider company to begin the process of porting your phone number.
  • Provide the new company with your 10-digit phone number and any additional information required.

Porting is generally a permanent means of moving a phone number to another provider, as the old account associated with the number will be closed.

There are different reasons why you might want to verify your internet speed in NewFoundland & Labrador. You can be eager to know how your WiFi is performing and therfore discover if you're paying the right price for your plan & usage. More over, our speed test also informs you of precisely how much you should be spending on an internet plan.

To get your internet's speed in NewFoundland & Labrador, simply use our online internet speed test tool

An Internet service provider (ISP) is a company that provides services for accessing, using, or participating in the Internet. The ISP is the link or conduit between your computer and all the other “servers” on the Internet. It is often referred to as just “the provider.”

We strongly recoomend that you modify your default Wifi password and name, for security reasons. To modify your password follow the upcoming steps:

  • Enter the address into your browser's address bar : Standard router addresses are,,, or (Apple) or (Xfinity).
  • Enter your router's username and password.
  • Open the Wireless section. Once you are connected into your router, you will need to find the Wireless section of the configuration page. The exact name changes from providers to providers, but usually you are looking for a ""Wireless"" or ""Wireless Settings/Setup"" tab or button.
  • Update the password. Look for the box labeled ""Password"", ""Passphrase"" or ""Shared Key"". You can enter your new password into this box.